Asteres Technologies Logo

asteres technologies

next generation tech for a smarter future

Asteres Technologies is not just a company; it's a hub of innovation, where confidence and technical mastery converge. Specializing in Web3, HPC, AI Application, Game Development, Cloud, and Modeling and Simulation, our collaborative space is where forward-looking vision meets a commitment to elevate organizations through cutting-edge solutions.



Turning ideas into reality, our company excels in providing a spectrum of services that span AI, software development, government solutions, simulations, blockchain technology, and gaming. Dive into a realm where innovation meets implementation, as we bring your concepts to life across these dynamic domains. Whether it's cutting-edge AI applications, robust software solutions, government-centric services, realistic simulations, blockchain advancements, or immersive gaming experiences, our expertise spans diverse sectors. Partner with us to transform your vision into tangible reality, as we navigate the realms of AI, software, government, simulations, blockchain, and games with unparalleled proficiency.

artificial intelligence

Explore the power of Artificial Intelligence to transform and innovate your business processes.

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Software Development

From concept to execution, our software development expertise brings your ideas to life seamlessly.

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Innovative Solutions for Government Excellence

Tailored software solutions designed to elevate the capabilities of government contractors.

modeling & simulations

Dive into the world of modeling and simulations, including Monte Carlo, discrete event sims, computational fluid dynamics, and agent-based modeling.

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blockchain development

Unlock the potential of blockchain technology with our cutting-edge development solutions.

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Digital twins

Bridging the Virtual and Physical Realities for Smarter Solutions.

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game development

Immerse yourself in captivating worlds through our dynamic and creative game development services.

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Explore our company's innovative ventures, ranging from advancing lunar exploration with Astroport/XArc to pioneering blockchain applications in gaming and drone mapping, to USSF SBIRs and AI assistants. Join us on the cusp of technology, as we redefine possibilities and set new standards for innovation, where our commitment to pioneering solutions shapes the future across various domains.


Astroport leads a collaborative initiative as the prime contractor for NASA's Artemis return to the Moon program, focusing on Lunar Landing Pad (LLP) development. The consortium includes partners such as Astrolab, FourPoint, KBR, University of Texas at San Antonio, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, University of Adelaide, and Asteres Technologies. While Astroport specializes in LunatronTM brickmaking technology, FourPoint contributes an Autonomous Transport Platform for regolith transportation. Additional expertise from KBR, an overall rover platform using the Astrolab FLEX rover, research support from academic institutions, and conceptualization, visualization, plume surface interaction, and simulation skills from Asteres Technologies enrich the project. Together, this diverse team aims to revolutionize lunar landings through innovative construction technologies and advanced research in surface interactions.

Bulldozer Operations

In a visionary concept by Asteres Technologies for Astroport, three bulldozer rovers, part of a NASA STTR collaboration, pave the lunar surface to create pathways for construction rovers. These rovers play a crucial role in preparing the terrain, ensuring that subsequent construction rovers can easily reach designated sites with essential equipment. This innovative approach highlights the importance of efficient lunar infrastructure development, setting the stage for future construction activities and sustained human presence on the moon.

Power systems Operations

In this captivating scenario, visualized for Astroport by Asteres Technologies, the Astrolab FLEX rover takes center stage as it pulls a deployable solar panel tower on a conceptualized trailer. This innovative design aims for ease of transportation, allowing the rover to effortlessly tow the tower to another array of solar towers on the lunar surface. The Astrolab FLEX rover showcases its versatility by contributing to the expansion of solar infrastructure on the moon. This forward-thinking concept emphasizes the practicality of deploying and relocating solar resources, enhancing the efficiency of energy utilization in lunar exploration. The visual narrative underscores the potential for sustainable power solutions in space exploration, paving the way for a future where rovers play a pivotal role in optimizing lunar energy resources.

communication systems operations

In this cutting-edge scenario envisioned by Asteres Technologies for Astroport, the Astrolab FLEX rover is towing a deployable 5G communications tower along with a power relay box on a specially designed trailer. This streamlined setup allows the rover to efficiently transport the communication tower and its associated power relay to integrate seamlessly with the rover fleet. This concept underscores the importance of establishing robust communication networks on the moon and highlights the rover's role in optimizing lunar connectivity for future missions.

night sheltering

In this pragmatic depiction for Astroport by Asteres Technologies, rovers are showcased sheltering during the freezing lunar night. The image portrays a crucial aspect of lunar exploration, as these versatile vehicles seek refuge from the extreme temperatures that characterize the lunar night. Nestled in strategically designed shelters, the rovers not only protect themselves from the harsh cold but also demonstrate the importance of adaptable infrastructure for sustained lunar missions. This concept underscores the need for innovative solutions to ensure the functionality and longevity of rovers in the challenging lunar environment, paving the way for continuous exploration and discovery on the moon.

cable laying Operations

In this dynamic lunar scenario envisioned by Asteres Technologies for Astroport, three specialized rovers operate in sequence to execute a construction task. A trencher rover begins by digging a thin trench, followed by a cable layer rover laying communications or power cables in the trench. The line-up concludes with a bulldozer rover filling in the trench. This strategic arrangement optimizes the efficiency of the construction process, showcasing the coordination and adaptability of these rovers in addressing the unique challenges of lunar construction. The illustration emphasizes the precision and collaboration required for successful infrastructure development on the moon, contributing to the ongoing progress of lunar exploration missions.

berm bag creation

In this ingenious lunar construction concept envisioned by Asteres Technologies for Astroport, a Flex rover takes the lead, pulling a berm bag machine designed to be filled with regolith. The regolith-filled bags are strategically laid around the inside wall of the lunar landing pad, forming a protective berm. This innovative solution prevents debris from being ejected outward when rockets land, safeguarding rovers, equipment, and potential future human habitats. In the background, a Four Point rover is being filled with lunar regolith by another Flex rover equipped with a construction attachment. This multi-faceted scene showcases the versatility of rovers in executing critical tasks for lunar infrastructure development and emphasizes the importance of forward-thinking solutions in ensuring the safety and sustainability of lunar exploration.

brick laying operations

In this forward-thinking lunar construction scene envisioned by Asteres Technologies for Astroport, two Flex rovers take center stage, each equipped with lunar brick-making attachments. These innovative attachments allow the rovers to efficiently create and lay bricks, forming the foundation of the finished surface for the lunar landing pad. The collaborative efforts of these rovers showcase their adaptability in contributing to the construction of essential infrastructure on the moon. This depiction highlights the use of in-situ resources, such as lunar regolith, for on-site construction, reducing the need for transporting materials from Earth. The concept underscores the potential for sustainable and resource-efficient building practices in lunar exploration, marking a significant stride towards establishing a robust lunar infrastructure.


In this practical lunar scenario visualized by Asteres Technologies for Astroport, a solitary Flex rover moves purposefully towards a deployable shelter. The shelter, filled with neatly arranged crates, serves as essential storage for lunar equipment. The Flex rover showcases its versatility as it navigates the lunar terrain, emphasizing the importance of efficient mobility and storage solutions in lunar exploration. This concept underscores the strategic use of deployable shelters to safeguard equipment and resources, contributing to the success and sustainability of lunar missions. The scene reflects the innovative approach needed to address logistical challenges and optimize the utilization of space resources on the moon.

partners & collaborations

Our company thrives on collaborative efforts, joining forces with leaders in space architecture, rover design, international STEM enterprises, geological exploration, software, and universities worldwide. Together, we shape the future of space exploration through strategic partnerships. Engage with us in endeavors that leverage collective expertise, fostering mutual growth and innovation. Our commitment to collaboration extends globally, creating synergies that redefine possibilities in space and technology. Join us as we push the boundaries of exploration and knowledge through impactful alliances with key players in various fields.

tech stack

Our company thrives on collaborative efforts, joining forces with leaders in space architecture, rover design, international STEM enterprises, geological exploration, software, and universities worldwide. Together, we shape the future of space exploration through strategic partnerships. Engage with us in endeavors that leverage collective expertise, fostering mutual growth and innovation. Our commitment to collaboration extends globally, creating synergies that redefine possibilities in space and technology. Join us as we push the boundaries of exploration and knowledge through impactful alliances with key players in various fields.

Unity Game Engine Logo
Java Script Logo
Docker Logo
Sci Kit Learn Logo
Kafka Logo
SQL Database Logo
Cerns' MolFlow Logo
Solidity Smart Contract Logo
Tensor Flow Logo
Adobe Logo
.net Logo
Open AI Logo
Open CV Logo
Redis Logo
Python Logo
Node JS Logo
Java Logo
Pytorch Logo
Kubernetes Logo
C Sharp Logo
AWS Logo
Go Lang Logo
Figma Logo
Blender 3D Logo

contact us

Embark on an exhilarating journey at the forefront of innovation! If your passion lies in lunar construction, AI, game development, blockchain, digital twins, or any emerging tech wonders, you've landed in the perfect space. Connect with us by filling out the form below. Your inquiries fuel our exploration, and together, we confidently shape the future of technology and beyond. Let's collaboratively build, code, and explore the universe of possibilities with optimism and excitement. Join the cosmic conversation and be a part of shaping an ambitious and visionary future.

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